Friday, December 11, 2009

What is Nursing

if its very essence, that is to Care, has been eroded by too much work and stress.

What is Nursing

if its primary goal at the end of the day is to not get yourself into trouble, complete whatever tasks u need to in the required time, and Care is compromised.


Nursing... is not just any ordinary job...

A nurse has got to put her heart and soul into caring for her patients.

We're dealing with life... and people.. who experience very real emotions, suffering and pain.

Unfortunately, i feel i might have had too idealistic a view of this profession.

Care ends up taking up less room in this line of work...what with all the stress that comes out of it...and constrains by the lack of communication, time, legal obligations and demanding workload.
Alot of times you find yourself horribly fustrated, and stressed up. You find yourself getting into trouble... whether you're trying to do the right thing.. or not...

I wish i could have done more for my patients... but alot of times... i find my hands tied.

Sometimes i feel really sorry... for not having done some things... for the patients.. but i just didnt have the means to... its not that im not trying hard enough i just cant do it... and i feel horrible about it because deep down i wish i could have done something to make him/her feel better...

its heart breaking.

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