Wednesday, March 07, 2012



Just one of thsoe times when i get onto tumblr as a reward to myself after completing an assignment.

Yes, feasting my eyes on beautiful images is good rest for me.

I have no idea what drove me to reblog this picture but it just seems so forlorn yet quietfully beautiful. Images likes these spirit me away from the emptiness and the stress I face everyday.

Anyway, I've got nothing interesting to share, except for an update about my increased workload.

I've yet to officially start on my thesis writing. And today i did some interesting analysis with my professor. We're going to publish my findings, and hopefully the maternity hospitals in Singapore will act on the recommendations and be aware of some disconcerting issues that pervade healthcare for women.

Truly, i can't wait to start writing about them, especially after personally hearing from the participants in my study. I've learnt so much through this research and from writing Evidence based practice assignments. I do suppose they'll be useful for my professional development.

Although, right now. I'm feeling very demoralized because the only ward that i could feel comfortable working in has demolished.

Now i have no idea where I am going to graduate to. The thought of a very bleak and stressful working life makes me shudder.

For some reason, I feel very alone in my struggles.

I'm a workaholic, so eventually I predict that my health will be jeopardized. And then I'll die.

That's really all there is to my life, my reality.

My only escapade is in looking at beautiful images on tumblr.

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