Sunday, July 15, 2012


Hi, good evening!

I prefer to blog on late nights because I get a bit more delirious. And so I write alot more without getting too concerned about its appropriateness for public viewing.

For the first time... in a really long time, I touched my nursing notes, metaphorically, as they were in soft copy.

I read through my lecture notes in year 1 semester 1 and couldn't help but smile upon those wonder days of learning about my profession, the human body, and more importantly, improving patient outcomes.

I recall my thesis days, as I was given the autonomy to brainstorm for ideas to promote the well-being of the women whose suffering I had witnessed in the course of my research. I loved what I was doing, and was faithful to the cause of improving patient outcomes. Nothing endeared me more. My thesis project was my life, my love. I was happy to be in a position where I could help relieve the suffering of others.

Although clinical attachments was stressful, it is undeniable that work helps me forget my life troubles and woes. Nursing has helped me realize that everytime I wallow in self-pity, there are others suffering a fate much worse than I am, who are in much greater need. It only redirects ones attention to their needs.

How could I have doubted? How could I have hated my profession? How could I have been so fearful? When i know that God is bigger than my worries, and that He provides.

He has ran with me in my race in NUS, and He will continue running the race with me to the very end.

That said, I forgot to announce on blogosphere that I've graduated.

Alright, on to another phase of life.

Wait! Before that!

I'll have my one last vacation to Bangkok, next week.

Be very envious.

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