Tuesday, December 04, 2012


I'm sick again and sipping to tea.

The drowsy effects of Chlorpheramine and codeine has made me most tipsy-ish and slightly delirious.

I can now understand why my patients are so cranky in the hospital.

I have time to blog, because I've decided to take an MC. Yes. Stare at me wide-eyed if you want. I have taken an MC.

And i dont usually take MC cos' I never allow physiological limitations to interfere with work. But... there's audit tomorrow so there was the incentive.

Today I went to visit the GP. Wanted to head there straight after work but decided against it on second thought or people might think I was working for the clinic, or they'll just tease me for being sick, as if the idea of an ill nurse is rather queer.

Like the time I went to buy plasters at 7 eleven in my nursing uniform, and the cashier had to laugh at me and asked "why would you need plaster?"

It wasn't until the GP auscultated my lungs did I realize I'd forgotten to wear my bra.

Anyhooz, he decided to take my weight cos' he thought I looked anorexic. And wow i am now a startling 42kg. I've lost 4kg since I started work.

Okay goodnight.

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