Monday, February 12, 2007


I won a Gold for Kyu Grade. it was super unexpected. I thot id die in my first match or something. I mean afterall it was e first judo competition of my life! Goshy gosh. i guess i owe it to alot of pple who tried to soothe me while i was in super stressed mode. Evryone was sooo wonderful! Ding is so lovely :D great job anyway u totally got me there.

But its quite an acheivement for someone like me. SO allow me to rant like a gundu here for a while. Gosh i guess i hav to continue training harder and harder from now on... competitions gona get much tougher with all e other belters comin in.

seriously...ill never forget about what happened on sunday...i guess it meant alot to me. afterall its my first competition..and first competitions mean alot. I cannot stress how much it has impacted me... haha wow im gettin emo... i mean it isnt everyday i get national Gold medals u not as mighty as yimin.

YAY i love cjudo! u guyz rock my sock. xoxox

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