Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I am freaking sleepy. Stupid literature.

Before i dose off.. it is wise that i rant here or risk salivating on the school's computer keyboard.

I was just reading a journal article about patient communication.. when i recalled about my time in the hospital.. as a nurse.

altho this episode doesnt relate very much to 'communication' directly

I think my very wonderful patient was scared of me.

Although i was mostly there to listen to her troubles when she needed someone to talk to... i guess my incompetence scared the hell outta her.

That is bad in terms of establishing 'trust' in a patient-nurse relationship.

I am still learning. So its prudent tht i recognise my weaknesses now and work on em before i graduate and go out there as a staff nurse where ill be managing a whole ward!

Juz a random post.

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