Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A catastrophe happened yesterday.

World war 3 broke out! (so says gertrine)

I broke an 8 year record of not having lost a phone.

It happened last night.

When it occured, I was in shock. At first i thought it was a dream, a nightmare that I'd wake up from. My pulse rate, RR and BP became abnormally high. I was giddy from dismay and disbelief.

I feel like the stupidest idiot on planet Earth! How could i be so stupidly trusting of people... and left my bag in the nurses' room together with the handphone (because we weren't provided with lockers). I didn't think they'd steal a fellow colleagues valuable. I was naive and gullible. And extremely upset. I AM depressed beyond anything. My phone was my everything.

Not surprisingly, my parents were furious. I may be phoneless for the rest of my life because I am not allowed to get another phone. Cheers to living life phoneless. *claps*

In fact, they wanted to blow the issue up by complaining to the director of TTSH and make a police report to investigate on the nurses in my ward. It was really quite terrible. Because in the first place... it was MY RESPONSIBILITY to bring my valuables along with me when im working (but its a lil hard cos i have alot of stuff in my pocket).

Honestly, if they were to do that they'd tarnish the name of the hospital and perhaps disrupt the work of the nurses when they are already stressed enough.

I begged them the whole night to not do it but Dad was insistent. IT WAS SOOO TERRIBLE! I ought to be grateful to the hospital for providing me with the oppoturnity to learn and yet I had caused trouble for them. I felt sooo terrible. Plus it was my burden to bear, not the ward nurses.

Thankfully, I begged Mom to dissaude Dad... and it worked.

My life has crumbled since last night's very fateful incident.

I am an idiot i am an idiot. I am extremely amazed with my stupidity. I cannot forgive myself for what happened. I am depressed. Good bye.

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