Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

It's a lazy, rainy afternoon and I'm getting all ready for church, and doing last minute preparation for the gift distribution later.

Loads of people to distribute Christmas presents to. 'Cos I have too many friends.

And because it's such a lazy afternoon, I desperately needed something to perk myself up. What better way than to savor some nice floral tea. Recently, I'd received a series of floral tea as a Christmas gift from a really nice friend and I can't be happier!

Chose peppermint tea for the dopey Me this afternoon, hoping the mint would blow my brain. Unfortunately, it didn't cos my brain is still intact.

Hmm I can't wait to try this. Maybe for tomorrow morning.

Some sweet treats to go with the tea.

Okay wake up, Dopey.

There's a Christmas celebration waiting for me!

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