Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Lately.. ive been doin a million weird things!

LIke showin off to Beepee my blueberry ice cream. This was how it happened.

Me: *Walks over to beepee excitedly with an ice cream cone durin break* Ive got an ICE cream! :D:D *runs away*

Beepee: *stones*

woo studyin sessions are gettin more and more creative i must say.

was studyin with JOJO and Linton on labour day IN MY ROOM!!!

of all places.

it was hot tho.

LAst sunday.. we went to NYP to study. and we locked ourselves in there for goodness sake from morning till night. we even broought like instant noodles and stuff and hid ourselves in a secluded corner in the ghosttown-like school.

it was not hot cos we couldnt find our way out.

Christy's burp was so smelly ytd.

AND TRG WAS SOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i learned a new surprise attack!

I love MR Koh!!!!!!!!

Truddy's stomach is sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!! i feel like huggin it.

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