Wednesday, May 04, 2005

english exam was terror..i did the worst composition ive eva was like soo clumped up..i didnt do much paragraphing..i wanted to do narative writing but there was no decent idea relating to the topic locked in my brain i did the world event thingy..this is so crazy..cuz ppaer 2 was was the worst and the most difficult paper ive eva done in all my four years..evryone agreed..i hope i dont score too badly..
Ive been struggling sooo hard with my revision..theres just too much to betta study nowww.....esp geo, ss, and phy..chem especially!!
okie so i guess ill cya after the exams..i finkkk
newayz ive changed the song in case uve not realised..its lindsay lohan's ultimate..its reli kewl..
Oh and gona get JOJO's album today!!! evryone, be happy fer meh!!!

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