Monday, August 01, 2005

amazing things

Fortunately i wasnt yelled at durin chemistry

And the greatest amazing thing is..
today's the last practical!

currently i can see a huge puff of smoke hoverin abt my window.
Before u start moaning thinkin ive been charred like bbq-ed turkey by the time uve read this...No it isnt what u think..its just some foggin service and the 'smoke' stinks real bad. 'Acrid' u might call it..a new word id discovered from cheryl while readin her compo.

I apply my evryday learnings on my blog so u can learn while i type. My blog is rather beneficial..or so i think.

Yet another greater than the greatest amazing thing is...

Mom finally agreed to have my hair rebonded!!!

But of course id have to dig deep into my pocket for tht tres great sum of money.

Id alredi made an appointment with the hairdresser and its gona be friday!

This is excitement beyond excitement!!
perhaps u can see tht glisten in my eyes like those jap anime cartoons
whilst smilin widely like Mr. Easter bunny.

And arabel and renee gave sis and me watches!!! kewl and trendy watches!!!

the last time arabel and amanda came up with a string stuck in a wooden plank scrwaled with the words:
if the string is is raining
if the string is is windy
if the string is smoking...your house is on fire
if the string is gone...someone took it away.

And it says at the top of it all...tht this is some sort of weather-depicting machine!

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