Ive neva endured a worse national day
Put it this way, if I saw the words "Stoopid", "Embarrassing", "shitty".. on a form wit tick boxes, I’d thick every single one of them. Id tick "stoopid" because…
the stoopid celebrations they had was soo stoopid
'All games day'
That doesnt sound like fun to me. Yea yea i may be athlete of the year but im def not sports girl of the year which raj had mistooken.
i Run..i dont play netball or basketball or woteva.
'Embarassing' bcos sis apparently shouted at me infront of the class and evryone includin the guyz were starin and arch made a big fuss ova our heated saga
er but what she doesnt know was tht siblings quarrel one minute and share ice-cream the next.
So there's nuffin so biggy abt it..but she made it so big it became a big commotion which made me even more embarrassed bcos alot of my classmates kept watching.
Tht honestly is shitty
btw, i dreamt tht i killed a dog last night cos it was biting my finger and i twisted its neck and it screamed like how i alwayz do in netball. It was a nightmare!
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