Thursday, December 07, 2006

Flowers and perfume

so wots been up...wait! i noe ur gona chime in..."the sky"...(or at least thats what ill say) and of course the sky isnt whats up cos its the ceiling...i mean ur most prolly not using a computer in an open-spaced area. God why am i being cute here

well lately...its been e same mundane life im living in. I wake up to the call of Amber..cos she happens to enjoy her job in my life as an alarm clock..i wake up to see sunlight pouring in thru e curtains...and smell e same flowery scent. Tho it has faded by a ton since i last bought it weeks ago.
den ill watch debbie travis. Her designs are like OMG!!!!!!! if only i have talent like hers, or unless some miracle drops down from e sky, i wouldnt have to be afraid of how disastrous my future home would look like

and den ill eat my lunch and sleep again. And den ill chat on e phone again for no apparent reason and decide i needa get out of e house for some fresh going to e library or coffee bean to study. and den ill get home at night for dinner...Stone like a stone..(duh) again and sleep at 1 am or so.

This is my life. It is so cool.

and im gettin sick of goin out for any sorta date cos im sick of dolling up its too much work for someone like me who needs alot of it to look remotely decent.

But tonight is so cool! Dad came home with this huge 100 plus (im referrin to e price and not the isotonic drink u see in ur school's vending machines) Kenzo perfume bottle... - with perfume in it. Its totally beautiful. I love it. E bottle is gorgeous and the scent is... -e flowery sort. Thank u Daddy! ur prolly readin this.

GORGEOUS. tho evrytime i hear abt perfumes for xmas pressies...i think of vera wang's Princess...cos thts my dream perfume. But still i love it to bits. I loveeeeeeee perfumes.

And Lin has revealed to me my xmas pressie...body spray...of cherry blossom essence...from Los Angelos. now my room will seriously be bursting with flowery scent.

Im becoming a nature lover. Be happy for me!!!!

even tho this change isn't going to stop my fear of bugs. Nothing ever will.

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