Thursday, June 15, 2006


geez ive dropped alot of hair i swear. by the end of my 2 years in judo, ill be as bald as an inverted porcelain cup. dont ask me why porcelain not sure myself..bald heads simply remind me of porcelain cups. which is weird i noe.

i could see some strand of hair on the dojo where i last lay..even on my yellow belt. cos durin e punishments and stuff..while id hurried to get into push up position from my sit up...some dude behind me was sitting on my hair. and durin newaza..or whateva u call groundwork partners were pulling my hair accidentally of course. so that explains.

it was so embarassing...durin newaza i was like yelping in pain..amongst the tranquil..while evryone was concentrating on their sparrings. cos guess what?! somehow or rather...i strained the right side of my lower back and it cramped up cos i was sitting in e wrong position when martina went on top of me. So my leg was caught. thus leadin to e cramp. which is weird. no lasted less than a minute. woohoo

i have like...purplish-red bruises on both of my knees..and scratches on my left arm. Aint that just hot? not.

hated today's training. argh.

geez i just found out that the maid, priti, whom our family helped the other time from her horrid employer...who starved like in jail now in malaysia.

cos she tried to run away when her employer ill-treated her. unfortunately..the system in singapore and malaysia is quite different. i mean...dont they ever think? why the hell would the maid wana run away in the first place. Stupid fuckin evil employers!! i totally hate employers who ill-treat their maids. its totally inhumane. friggin pieces of shit.

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