Monday, June 05, 2006


to trudy: yeap they are..totally! too bad i lost the pair of forks. HAHA those arent just any normal safety pins..they're meant to be earrings!
to joey and trudy: HAHA cos one day i came up with a theory that me and my friends shd all get stationery names. ANd they named me Eraser dust, the stupidest name of all, cos it represents E.D. which sounds like idiot cos I have such idiotically ...cute ideas XD
to passer-by: thanks!
to sondra: no their not lol. Im not as mad as u! their real earrings :D

im sooo pleased with my wardrobe :DD

Just ytd, i went shopping and its hot! sis bought this top!!!!!!!!!! even tho i tried finding it at hulo and co but to no avail. Its hot anyway like omg hotttt
And today i went to buy a pair of mini shorts and its hot!!
and just last week i bought a top from fox..and just last last week i bought another top from ebase. So that explains my satisfaction!!!!!!!!!!! Im exhilirated..or is that how u spell it?

tho i swear im totally broke now

we went into e neoprint shop ytd for the background only using our own cameras and got caught by the sales lady. Howw embarrassing.
But compliment us for our creative ideas :D

YAY another party. the judo one. Its gona be so hot

omg i cant believe some of the guyz in judo are smokers...according to yvvone's blog. Im reli reli shocked

:O :O :O :O

oh my god. I bet there'll be PT tmr. Im going to die
I hate the rollin on the floor thingies cos they mess my hair so much

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