Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Just like rachel...i had to do PW survey today and yea...just when u think itll be a good chance to get hot guyz ..or babes (for rachel) for that matter, to notice u...u get impatient aunties and uncles who run at the sight of u.

awesome! not.

but havin such strong determination and persevering spirit that i possess....i pushed on. And against all odds...our group finally managed to get 49 surveys done. Hot huh?

GUESS WHAT?! i slept at 4 am last night...studying..and smsing...keeping in touch with peers who stayed up with me...but woke up only to realize that id overslept and so i missed my maths lesson.

Ive also decided to stop posting pictures of the contents in my shopping bag cos itll be pretty weird...to see me in reality wearing a blouse that u saw a picture of on my blog. HAHA! Isnt that just hot?!

to joey: ooo geez! trg must have been damn tough :S
to rachel: i love u too x1000 XD
to max: perfectly! neva better hahahaa
to ben: its going hot! not. im lagging. :(
to les: the things u do on lame day. HAHA ur blog is hilarious!
to dakras: yeap..thats why ive got an endless supply of hershey kisses by my bedside to keep my glucose level up! woohoo
to sondra: I miss u too :(.... cant believe we have to get thru not seein our fellow judokas for 2 weeks!!!!

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