Saturday, November 27, 2004

i just came bac frm wild wild wet ...and im pink with health. Correct that, pink with sunburns! WWW's kinda pathetic..there are very lil rides..the only thrill rides were 'sl!des up' and 'Ulah-la'..which we queued for ages. then there was Tsunami. Waves and all. They're makin me 'sea-sick'. i sat on the big float most of the time compared to the others (sis, wy and serena) *grins sheepishly* some weird guyz spinned me around while i was on the float. Serena was speakin in one of those shakespeare (pardon my spellin, im bad at literature!) throaty voices,"Mine ur own business!" -its a hoot- evryone clinged on to the big float for our dear lives as we'll be swallowed. the waves were crashing on us and it was more aggressive than id thot. Standin at the deeper area gave me a thrillin feel. Correct that, Drownin feel more likely. Feels as if the currents gona swallow and kill u any mo. Then comes this reli nauseous sickiness as u bob up and down to the current. wy almost vommited..same ere! all of us tried sittin on the float together so that we could share the enjoyment but it was reli difficult as the float keeps capsizin evrytime another tries to get on. till now, as im typin..i am still not able to stop myself from thinkin zat im floating and bein pushed around by the violent waves. id wanted to read 'princess of pop' tonite but was still havin a skull zats floating around in the didnt av zee mood to read it. im so giddy now im bout to faint. Save me!! Bah. Humbug. Pooh! GIDDY!!
the moon's all bright and smiles all round. Not literally..the moon is esp bright tonite mind u. im goin off to bed now even though its reli early...i mite be dreamin of bein stuck in a real Tsunami nitemare l8er! Tsunami, waves, seas, tides, sea-sickness and goggles! are riverdancin in my head rite now! Lets hope that ill not fall on my way to meh bedroom. im still floating, floating, floating..........................

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