Sunday, November 21, 2004

went to the library today..i was lookin out for the book by louise Renn..its a humor teenage fiction sorta book and i love those..just wot i was lookin for..but when i went to look for the wasnt on its shelf though it said it wasnt on loan..i was truly upset so i went moochin round the library computer lookin for teenage fiction books..and found a book by Cathy Hopkins! My Fav author. Brilliant. so i went to look for it but my hopes just went down again when it wasnt on its shelf..Phfff! i started prayin for it..i truly wanted those two books. My dream books. Perhaps its somewhere around the library and someone must av took it and didnt bother puttin it back. Perhaps perhaps perhaps. i dont think i fancy the idea of exploring and scrutinizing the whole library of shelves like a complete dork just to find those two books.. after half an hr of searchin..zilch it! no where to be found argh! i just wondered round and thot mayb i could borrow Stephen King's Rose Red which wasnt a very fav choice of mine mind u...i wondered off to the shelf and my gaze fell on a piccadily book..(my fav publisher) i took it out and it was under the youth section and Aley oop!! it was Louise Renn's book!!! the one i was painstakinly bein a gaga searchin for! Top! and i couldnt be happier. i thanked God..i was kinda satisfied though i still wished i could find Cathy Hopkin's Princess of Pop. sis asked me to browse for Secret Garden, a Saga classic Novel, for her. so i did..and while i was searchin..a pink stuff caught my eye..nice ol' book and on it labelled the three Mega-Big wordsies 'Princess of Pop' in a real funky fashion.. i was totally exhilirated! and i couldnt be happier. Again. There was Cathy Hopkin's book bein misplaced in the adult section! and i was lucky enuf to find it..with the help of God! yipee! ziz is gona be a brill four weeks im lookin forward to readin those books..Amazing =)

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