Saturday, November 06, 2004

went for facial today and zee massage vas simply heavenly..asombrar! the lady sorta sloshed some thick white gooey mud on my face and its supposed to be reli Brrr! i had to lay on the bed in the same position for like 40 minutes...Hell! fidgetty fidgetty fidgetty..and slowly the time passes..tick tick tick..alarm went off! yipee! the lady's supposed to take the mask off my face the moment the alarm goes..but um..i waited and waited..Hello?! no one seems to know that um im practically sufferin in that awful position..ive been still for 40 minutes! perhaps the lady went off to zee toilet..then i got positively mad..but i couldnt do reli fustrated and sorta felt a warm trickle at the corner of my eye...Mad tears..lmao! then the lady questioned sis bout our exams...sis says she's got an A...but ive got a B... rite there and then i wanted to just pounce out of my bed and wring her around! Excuse me! ive got an A too! In case u dont noe! the lady started jokin around and laughed to herself..(which im not sure what she's laughin at) i bet sis was laughin too..even though she didnt noe what the hell was goin on..fortunately..after some time..the lady came to me to take the mask off! whoo amazing! she finalleh noticed me! Not. U could av guessed..despite all the violent emotions bouncing about within me..i was as calm as um..woteba thats calm..(im bad at similes)
when i went to the toilet..i tried squeezing the earring through till i saw a bright dark red Blotch staring at me...BLOOD! and there was alot mind u! its fine now fortunately

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