Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Right. Im having egg white stuck to my face now so my face is now as stiff as plastic...and not like plastic bag either. I cant laugh or ill get wrinkles...i mean i soo do not want wrinkles on all ova my face at like the age of 17? so tryin not to think about hilarious stuff which is difficult bcos the more u dont wana do it..the more it comes to u. Which is freaky dont u think? like when u don wana salivate to affect the medication on ur ulcer but it just keeps doin it.

Funny how naughty my body is. It doesnt wana obey my wants.

Eat my brain with a spoon.

People are alwayz so fascinated with twins. Like ytd?..i had like an avalanche of questions about my life as a twin.
I get questions like, 'how does it feel like to have someone in this world looking exactly like u?'

erm normal. Bcos im born like tht.

And i alwayz get those sorta twin dramas. IN schools alwayz lookin forward to those. Like when this teacher teaches both my sis's and my class, something funny's bound to happen. id get like...I swear id just saw u in the nx class a second ago. and i would wana try keeping shut about about it so that the teacher'll think something's wrong with his eyeballs he needs an eye transplant so he'll have to take MC and the class will get free periods.

Unfortunately...people just cant click with ur noble even before i could say anything...evryone in the class would go..SHE"S GOT A TWIN. SO they'll alwayz spill the beans and ruin my devious plans and ill trip over nasty beans tht act like rollers.

And its fun watching teachers arguing about whose class i belong to. I mean it happened before..until i had to break it to em...that i have a twin and my twin is in the other teacher's class.

And of course there are embarrassing when sis and I was new to this church?...and this lady announced our name...and realized we looked the same...and realized we're twins...And evryone got curious and requested for us to stand cos evryone wanted to study us...And how embarrassing it was cos i had a wardrobe malfunction then. And pple were cheerin like 'ohh yea we have our first pair of twins!!! '
perhaps also cheerin at how big my butt looked than it actually is in that pair of khakis.

I mean evryone has their wardrobe-malfunction why me.

And when i was was awfully irritating when lil ignorant kids would stare at us as if we were from planet Z. Or crying to their mamas in fright and pointing their lil fingers at us bawling 'those two girls look the same booohoo'

SO life as a twin isnt exactly all a bed of roses. Though i must agree that u are soo right to be envious of me bcos bein a twin is sooo coool.

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