Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Biology lab today stinked
u could practically see green vapours emitting from the prawns we were supposed to draw.
Or shd i say...rottened prawns.

I almost did the techni-colour yawn when i went pass it.
Anyone who is anyone..would faint if they stood a centimeter away from those pile of prawns.
We drew it out and stuff when Ms Tow asked what would happen if we put the prawns in freshwater...

Nobody knew the answer..
the class was dead still and quiet as alwayz, even the crickets decided to stop humming.
Until Luke raised up his hands and said, " the prawns will explode"

Matilda and I exchanged looks.

Before falling prey to fits of giggles.
Luke sure is funy...tht was a pretty gd Joke i thot

But WaIT! did one of the stinky green vapours just diffused too much into my ear my ear drums melted??
cos mS tow said it was Correct!

I shd have known. Luke would neva crack jokes...not during Bio lessons..he's a bio whiz why would he say sumfin so lame...and no he cant crack gd jokes...not one as funny as this..he cant even do tht.

HE'd also caught the cold and sneezed into my arm where lil muscus landed.


poor guy..he sneezed the whole day.

Poor me too!

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