Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ringtone Trauma

Some time ago..i had to change my ringtone cos the trendy fanciful ones were too soft! And shrugging..i changed it to well..u could say the worst ringtone known to humanity..but AT LEAST it was was very loud..i will neva miss a call with tht one. Its so thundery it can cause an earthquake. It goes like the really boring BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Oh noo im getting all sheepish just typing tht 'bEEP' word.

This morning, emergency calls for it agen..i used the-worst-ringtone-known-to-humanity..cos i needed to pick up Rauf's calls..he's gona inform me when the nx trg is and i must neva miss tht call for the world. SO i left my mobile in my bag..and we had chemistry lessons today..SOoo..while i was filling up the bottle labeled Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide..while evrything was still quiet and evryone was titrating peacefully..The loudest, ugliest BEEP in the universe thundered the lab, The beep tht no decent human being would eva use for their Mobile.
Evryone was shocked of course..exchanged glances..and i was there..pretending it neva happened..but inside..i was simply SCREAMING with embarassment. (whoeva has heard of anyone screaming with embarassment)

ANd thts when i heard another rumble..of giggles and sniggers..while Ms Ng snapped a toneless 'turn off ur phone pls' as i rushed to my bag to shut the irritating thing off. Matilda and cheryl and even weiyu were laughing ..while some weird guyz sang to the ringtone. IT was the most embarrassing thing of my lifee!!! and im just a lil grrl i canoot stand such heavy pressure!! (RIGHT!) It was then tht i wished there was some earthquake to create a big hole on earth so tht the spot i was standing on would collapse into the crust of the Planet. (a considerate wish since only where im standing gets sucked while others can continue dealing with chemicals in the lab)

Evryone was giggling..until ms Ng snapped another toneless ' why is there so much giggling?'

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